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Trustpointe, Inc. | Indianapolis, IN

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by Amy Woodall

I’ll never forget Valentine’s Day 2003. It just so happened to be the first Valentine’s Day my husband and I spent together. There is something both magical and frightening about buying a romantic gift for the new love in your life. I eagerly awaited his arrival home from work so we could exchange gifts. As he entered the house I saw him holding flowers (good choice) and a gift bag. As I opened the gift it revealed a beautiful negligee with a large tag that read “One Size Fits Most.” I admit it killed the romance a little, but he’s no dummy. Guessing the wrong size could have meant many sleepless nights on the couch. On the other hand that strategy will only get him so far; unfortunately for him there’s no such thing as a “One Size Fits Most” shoe.

The way I see it buying negligees and building relationships, especially trusted ones at work, share common ground. We often approach people the only way we know how, our way. The result can be bitter and unmotivated employees who do more complaining than actual work. I recently read an article by Tom Humbarger - Are You Appreciating Your Employees Enough? - that the average $10 an hour employee costs a company $3,000 every time they turn over. Imagine a salaried employee! Yowza!

It’s no secret that people are different; they come in all shapes and sizes. Some love a good challenge and crave change, while others hate those things with all their heart. Some folks get energy from being around people, and others prefer to play with calculators. Chances are if you have five people in the room, and you’re trying to lead, motivate, and communicate exactly the same with each one, you may find yourself with sleepless nights. You certainly can take the “One Size Fits Most” approach. In fact, it may work out great for a while, but eventually you’ll need to buy shoes that fit.

At Sandler Training, Trustpointe we put our clients in the trust business. We don’t just give DISC profiles, we make people skills magical. To learn more about DISC workshops, killed romances and games for calculators, contact Amy Woodall at 317.845.0041 or

Flowers?!? For me???

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